COVID-19 Patient policy

Please ensure that you comply with the following statements –

  • You do not have a fever, repetitive cough, changes to sense of smell or taste.
  • You have not been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 symptoms – persistent cough, fever, changes to sense of smell or taste in the past 14 days.
  • No one you live with is currently isolating.
  • You are not considered to be extremely vulnerable/high risk as per the Government guidelines and should be shielding.
  • No one in your household is considered extremely vulnerable/high risk as per the Government guidelines and should be shielding.

If you do not comply with any one of the above statements, we would ask that you contact reception before your appointment.

If you fall into the moderate risk category as per the government guidelines –

  • are 70 or older
  • are pregnant
  • have a lung condition that’s not severe (such as asthma, COPD, emphysema or bronchitis)
  • have heart disease (such as heart failure)
  • have diabetes
  • have chronic kidney disease
  • have liver disease (such as hepatitis)
  • have a condition affecting the brain or nerves (such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy)
  • have a condition that means they have a high risk of getting infections
  • are taking medicine that can affect the immune system (such as low doses of steroids)
  • are very obese (a BMI of 40 or above)

We would ask that you consider the personal risk before attending and accept that it is your decision to attend.

Protocol when you attend –

We would ask that you arrive no more than 5 minutes before your appointment.

When you arrive please wait for our receptionist to indicate to enter.

Once inside we will ask you to apply hand sanitiser and a face mask that we will provide for you.

You will then be required to sign a form to ensure you comply with the above patient declaration.

Once this has been signed your therapist, who will be wearing full PPE, will take you in for your treatment.

Once you come out into reception we will ask that you pay using a contactless method either card or apple pay, if needed, you can then rebook as usual.


All treatment rooms are cleaned between every patient.

Please also note that at this time the toilets are closed to patients to limit any areas where there could be cross contamination.

We look forward to seeing you!

The Health Hub Team


Hi All,

We hope you have been able to enjoy the sun as the days and weeks roll on! We just wanted to bring you all up to speed on where we are on reopening…

We haven’t yet…but we are ready!

We have been in constant talks with our respective associations and governing bodies on where we stand regarding opening our doors to you all again. It certainly hasn’t been easy being somewhat of a grey area and predominantly as social distancing clearly isn’t possible in our case. That said because Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy fall under the Healthcare umbrella I am pleased to say the advice is changing. We have now been given clear guidelines on what is required of us in order to reopen and we have been instructed that when we do we should only see urgent/emergency patients for the moment. The sticking point on this has been a clear definition of what constitutes an urgent/emergency appointment. I am pleased to say that a statement outlining what this means has been agreed upon –

Urgent/Emergency appointments relate to those patients who are experiencing pain that isn’t responding to self-help at home including exercises or medication, or pain that would lead to the patient seeking help from their GP.

Having discussed this at length with the team, we are in agreement that we will reopen our doors on the 1st of June.

Initially, it will be just Sam and Lachlan seeing urgent/emergency patients only. Both will be in full PPE as per our governing bodies’ guidelines to create the safest possible treatment environment.

There will be a number of additional steps involved when booking your appointment. This will include triage questions regarding COVID-19 and whether you meet the urgent/emergency criteria outlined above.

There will also be noticeable changes for you on arrival –

  • The waiting room will feel very bare with all the chairs, tables and magazines having been removed to avoid any risk of cross-contamination.
  • Appointment times will be staggered to avoid cross-over of patients in reception.
  • You will be asked to apply antibacterial hand sanitiser on arrival.
  • You will be given a mask to wear.
  • The patient chairs in the treatment rooms have been replaced with wipeable ones and the rooms will be cleaned thoroughly after each appointment.
  • Sam and Lachlan will be working from two rooms each, to allow additional time for cleaning.
  • All appointments must be booked in advance either via email or over the phone. We won’t be allowing anyone without an appointment into the clinic even if it is just to book an appointment. This is to ensure there is no chance of anyone entering the building with COVID-19 symptoms, as well as, avoiding the risk of patient cross-over in reception.

Massage is still a while off with the earliest chance of return currently being the 4th of July based on the Governments 3 Stage timeline, so unfortunately, we won’t be seeing Tina and Tanya for a little while longer. Jodie is currently on maternity leave and both Georgie and Rachel have children at home so until their childcare/schooling situation changes they too will not be in.

If you are desperately in need of seeing us please email and we will be in touch to discuss getting you booked in. Equally, if you need help but don’t fall into the urgent/emergency category please email us as we can offer advice and exercises remotely to help you in the meantime.

Stay Safe,

Sam and The Health Hub Team

Unfortunately it looks like we won’t be seeing you this month….

Following the coronavirus update yesterday, it is clear that it will be at least another 3 weeks before we might be able to open our doors again. For those of you with appointments booked in the diary over the next three weeks, we have cancelled your appointment and will be in contact with you as soon as we know when we can re-open.

In the meantime, please contact us if you need any advice or help to keep you going until we re-open again. or call us on 01444 817851.

For more regular updates, articles and general information please follow us on FACEBOOK

Stay Safe

The Health Hub Team

Are you sitting comfortably?

One of the major challenges of working from home is getting your workstation set up right, to help prevent lower back or neck pain. Some of you will be lucky enough to have a home office but for others it is likely to be the dining room table or even the sofa. In reality it isn’t easy to try and recreate the ideal sitting position but here are some tips to try and get it as close as possible.

  • The ideal sitting position is as per the image below

sitting at desk

  • NOTE the sofa won’t work! If you don’t have a home office opt for the dining table or even the breakfast bar before considering the sofa.

If you don’t have the luxury of a home office here are somethings you can try to achieve this –

  • Try using old books to go under your feet if they aren’t able to reach the floor whilst maintaining the right position.
  • If your chair is to low then try sitting on a pillow to raise yourself up.
  • If you have a wireless keyboard that you can link to a laptop then try sitting the laptop on some old books or packs of A4 paper to get the monitor to the correct height

If you don’t have any of these options available then I would emphasise that you really need to try to get up and move every 25 minutes to help reduce the increased load on your lower back and neck. This could be a simple matter of getting up to make yourself a cup of tea or coffee. It doesn’t need to be much just make sure you move.

Sam Pargeter, THE HEALTH HUB

So, what really is the difference between a Chiropractor, Osteopath and Physiotherapist?!

At the Health Hub this has got to be one of the most commonly asked questions we get from patients and rightly so. It is not obvious or easy to decipher the difference, particularly between a Chiropractor and an Osteopath, and even harder to know who you should be asking to see!

So, I and the team thought we would give a brief summary of the differences to help you understand….

I remember asking my head lecturer at University – ‘what is the biggest difference between Chiropractors and Osteopaths?’ and I will never forget his answer – ‘the spelling!’

In honesty, there is a bit more to it than that, but it made me laugh. To identify the true difference, we need to go back to where it all began for all three therapies and their philosophy. Like anything, new professions start with an idea and a person who has a vision.

Chiropractic was founded in 1895 when its founder, Daniel David Palmer, from Iowa ‘adjusted’ the spine of a deaf janitor and claimed to restore his hearing. Spinal manipulation was not an unknown treatment in 1895, and Palmer never claimed to be the first to use manipulation for the cure of disease. He did claim, however, to be the first to use specific contacts as short-leverage points for making more specific spinal ‘adjustments’. At this very early stage, the whole focus of chiropractic was manipulating the joints of the spine, as it was seen as the root of many problems.

Osteopathy was founded in the late 1800s by physician and surgeon Andrew Taylor Still in Kirksville, Missouri. The son of a surgeon, Still soon discovered that in order to achieve the highest possible form of health, all parts of the body should work together harmoniously. His goal was to restore the body to optimum health with minimal surgery and medicine, influenced in part by the realisation that medical treatments of that time were largely ineffective and, in some cases, harmful. Over time, he treated patients with a wide range of conditions, from dysentery to sciatica and arthritis, with varying results he gained a reputation as an effective practitioner. In essence, Osteopathy was a more holistic approach looking at the whole body and not specifically spinal focused like chiropractic.

The earliest documented origins of actual physiotherapy as a professional group date back to Per Henrik Ling ‘Father of Swedish Gymnastics’ who founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (RCIG) in 1813 for massage, manipulation, and exercise. Treatment through the 1940s primarily consisted of exercise, massage, and traction. Physiotherapists can also manipulate like a Chiropractor or an Osteopath however this wouldn’t be covered within their initial qualification. It is also important to state that there are many arms of Physiotherapy beyond what we all think of, such as Respiratory Physio, or Neuro Physio.

For the purpose of this piece, I am focussing on Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy as this is primarily what is offered in a private clinic such as The Health Hub. This would focus on the body’s muscles, joints and soft tissues and is very effective on a whole range of injuries such as strains and sprains or rehabilitation following surgery.

In general, it is fair to say that the major difference in approach is that Chiropractors and Osteopaths tend to think of joints first then muscle, whereas Physiotherapists will think of muscle first then joints.

Chiropractors and Osteopaths tend to be renowned for ‘clicking’ which would be manipulation, however, this is just one treatment tool and it isn’t always warranted or used. Whereas Physiotherapists tend to be thought of as giving exercises to strengthen or stretch, but again this is just a treatment tool they can use along with acupuncture, ultrasound and massage.

All that said what has happened over time, and rightly so, is that science has come into it. This means that all treatments that Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Physiotherapists give are (or should be) evidenced based. All modalities will read and have access to research papers and this information will help inform their treatments, although each approach may be slightly different. This is why we work as a team and why some patients will see two or three practitioners, as this is the most effective and quickest route to optimum, lasting results.

In summary, a generally good guide is if you feel the pain is joint related – ‘your back has gone’ or ‘you’ve cricked your neck’ then we would generally recommend seeing either our Chiropractor or Osteopath first. If the injury appears more muscular like a pulled hamstring or shoulder injury then we would suggest our Physiotherapists as a great starting point. If you really aren’t sure and you are struggling to find the root of the pain then don’t worry as we offer a free telephone consultation service to help guide you to the right practitioner, as we appreciate that it can be hard to know where to start.

I hope that this helps in some way to clarify the differences between the professions.

Sam Pargeter, Sports Chiropractor, THE HEALTH HUB

What a difference a week makes… we are closing temporarily #stayhome

What a week… We have been trying to stay ahead of everything and keep the clinic open as long as possible but, having consulted with our respective governing bodies and in the interest of new social distancing guidelines, we have made the decision that the time has come to close until we are told it is safe to open the doors again.

It is safe to say we are all in completely uncharted territory here, there is no manual for this, no clear and obvious answer. We will continue to keep you updated. Largely this will evolve day by day as the government guidance continues. That said we are looking at things we can do for you whilst you are isolating/working from home/being a school teacher! We have some ideas but would love to hear from you directly with requests to see what we can do to help you in these uncertain times. Please email us at – to make requests. Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram for regular updates.

For anyone who had an appointment booked in the coming weeks, we will be in touch to see if there is anything we can do to help you remotely through exercise guidance, advice etc.

On a positive note… Baby Max Pargeter arrived on Thursday morning weighing 7lbs 12oz and is home safe, both Mum and Baby Max are doing well.

Stay Safe

The Health Hub Team

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