Walking the Walk Part 3

Dark days and Christmas have certainly presented a challenge for the early starts, but given that we have been able to remain open throughout Lockdown, I have been able to have treatment and start my rehabilitation for a number of the key areas identified by the screens.

One of the luxuries of working in a health clinic is certainly access to treatments, so I have been working with a number of the therapists over the last couple of months.

Kirk – Physiotherapist – Right Ankle Mobility and Stability

Georgie – Pilates – Lower Back Mobility and Stability, Mid Back Mobility

Lachlan – Osteopath – Right Ankle Mobility and Midback Mobility

Now clearly this degree of access isn’t a luxury afforded to everyone, but I wanted to show you all how each therapist can offer different value and how often the best treatment plan may include more than one therapist.

So, using the above as a guide, here is what we have been doing –

Kirk – During our treatments, the focus has been on releasing my calf and progressing through a number of different exercises. Starting with some very simple ones like single leg balance and single leg calf raises, but as my strength and balance has improved, he has made things harder! Currently I am working on –

Single leg Glute Bridge with isometric hold (sounds good right!)

Split squat with band challenge

Single leg balance on a balance pad

Single leg calf raises

Step up with 2 second hold – trust me, the extra second makes a big difference

All of these are progressing well, but during our sessions we also noticed that I had reduced mobility within the joints of the midfoot and ankle which were limiting my progress, so this is when we cross referred.


Lachlan – Given that joints are bread and butter for Osteopaths or Chiropractors, this is where we often cross refer. Lachlan assessed the joints that Kirk had identified as restricted and using very specific manipulation techniques, released the key areas of my foot and ankle. The great thing with manipulation is the change in movement is often instant but the key is then maintaining this change and this is often why it requires more than one treatment. Whilst I was in with Lachlan, he also worked on my mid back mobility using a combination of soft tissue work and manipulation. This was another area of reduced mobility identified by the screen.


Georgie – One of the key points identified in my screening was the lack of mobility and stability in my lower back, in particular how this was causing me to hinge in my mid back. Using her background in Pilates, Georgie has been working with me on increasing my lower back mobility and control. This has been a real eye opener for me as clearly, I spend a lot of my day making recommendations to people and what was apparent was how poor I was at some of these very things. In particular, my lower back segmental movement and control has become something I now work on daily. It is important to point out that due to the chronicity (long standing) nature of these restrictions, making changes to my lower back mobility is going to take time. Simply put, there is no quick fix. The long-term results though will be well worth the effort.

In summary, I now have a plan that I can work through at home that is specific to my needs and, in what is a relatively short space of time, the age-old niggles are fading away!

Sam Pargeter

The Health Hub